Sunday, March 27, 2022

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' in SQL Server

 Here below the steps for resolving the login error of Sql Server.

Go to security tab under your database.

Click to expand the Users tab under security.

Find weather NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM is present.

If not, Right click on users, Click on new user

In new user window, general tab change the user type to windows user.

Select the User name to, NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM you will have to find it in the Advanced tab, find now, and select system.

Similarly for login name, browse and find NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

And in the membership tab to the left, select all the required boxes except  db_denydatareader and db_denydatawriter and click ok.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Error Code 0x80070021 in IIS Web Deploy


If you deploy any website in IIS and you will found this error then might steps will help you.


  1. Search for "Turn windows features on or off"
  2. Check "Internet Information Services"
  3. Check "World Wide Web Services"
  4. Check "Application Development Features"
  5. Enable all items under this

Hope this helps!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

What is Index? How may type of index?

Index is the mechanism for searching data from database table. Indexes are used to find data from table quickly. Indexes are applied on table or view.

There are different type of indexes are there

1. Cluster Index

2. Non-Cluster Index

3. Unique Index

4. Filtered Index

Difference between Truncate and Delete

Truncate Delete
This is a DDL(Data Defination Language) command This is a DML(Data Manipulation Language) command
This will delete the entire table This can delete the entire table or can be rows.
Where clause is not applied Where clause can be applied
This will reset the seed value This will not reset the seed values which means identity of the column will remain same.
Performance wise is faster This is slower than Truncate
We cannot rollback the changes.We can rollback the changes.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

What is Method Overloading?

Method Overloading is the regular method for actualizing polymorphism. It is the capacity to rethink a capacity in more than one structure. A client can execute capacity over-burdening by characterizing at least two capacities in a class having a similar name. C# can recognize the strategies with various technique marks. for example the techniques can have a similar name yet with various parameters list (for example the quantity of the parameters, request of the parameters, and information sorts of the parameters) inside a similar class.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Operator Overloading in C#

Overloaded operators work with user defined or basic data type depending upon the type of operands. It gives the ability to use the same operator to do various functionality. Operator overloading allows the user to give additional meaning to most operators so that it can be used with the user'sown data types, thereby making the data type easier to use.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Things To Remember

  • Default Members

Members Default Member Allowed Declared accessibility of the member
enum public None
Class private public, protected, internal, private, protected internal
interface public None
struct private public, private, internal